Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ive been having such a hard time sleeping lately. I have no idea why or where the change is coming from, but I havent been able to fall asleep until 4 or 5 the past couple nights. I havent been eating alot lately either and Ive just been irriated with everything and everyone. This is not like me and Im wondering what this is all from. Ive been stressed out about school and finding a second job for the summer.. I guess everything is just piling up. Plus I havent baked in over 2 weeks so that is not making my situation better, thats the way I get my frustration out. Normally I would go for a run, but I left my sneakers at home.. luckily I'm going home tomorrow for Easter break so that will be nice to relax for a couple days. I need some wine. And a massage.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nose Piercing?

I can't decide if I should get one or not. I love it, I think it would look really good on me (not to be narcissistic or anything). However, it seems as though every other girl who is into hard core or punk rock has a nose piercing and I dont want to seem like Im trend follower (could be guilty of that already). Im leaning towards yes at the moment and would get it this weekend. Also im nervous it would hurt or scar... could potentially be talking myself out of this one.


So traveling to places around New England makes me really happy. I love random trips and fun stuff like that, Im the worst history nerd too. This past weekend I went to Ipswich to Cranes Castle, most amazing scenery there. Huge mansion overlooking the ocean, just a beautiful place in general. I need to get out more, only 4 weeks left of school then Im going to Newport RI and Cape Cod (Ive NEVER been there!). So excited!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Missing Boston

Break was stupid, I cant wait to go back into Boston. Whenever I come home I miss being able to walk out the door and disappear into the crowd for a while. Not to mention missing my boyfriend while he stays in the city, but only one more day and Ill be back in there! Worked for a company over break doing clerical shit. I felt like Pam from the Office, which would give me amusement for about 15 mins and then I was bored again. Cant wait for spring to come, I just want to be outside all day long! I hate sitting inside all day, it makes me feel useless on top of all the other great things I think about myself. So much work left to do before break ends, so thats how I plan on ending it. woop woop!

On a good note, I just finished baking Italian Almond Cookies that came out sooooo good! I think that this could be a great start for my future bakery.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wassup/ Bakery Idea

I love the movie Wassup Rocker.

So glad its the last week before Spring Break! Aside from the obnoxious amount of work Ive been given to do and the fact that Im living in the library to avoid seeing my roomates, Im pretty excited! Things get better with the bf daily however, and Im
getting increasingly happy with getting alone time to listen to music and sketch random things I love. Also my love of wine as increased dramatically. And Cappuccino. Opening a bakery is my new life long goal because I always end up going home from school and baking obnoxious amounts of food, and more recently vegan food! Ive realized that vegan options are so rare and expensive.. so thats going to be part of my bakery too. IF ONLY...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh SH*T.

I declared my major today.. Sociology with a minor in Organizational Leadership. I definitely just had one of those "oh shit" moments, like did that just really happen? I love sociology and I want to be a clinical social worker in a few years.. however I am very indecisive and now am questioning if that is what I want to be doing forever. I mean the only other thing I would consider is being a teacher, and there are plenty of teachers who only have a major in Sociology. It will all work itself out I'm sure. At least I hope so.

Also I just ate a whole box of whoppers. ugggghhh.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Also I am staring to appreciate fashion/ hairstyles from the 1930's. Not sure how I would go about incorporating this style into my wardrobe.. but I think starting with the hair is good. Did a pin up on one side with bangs curled backwards.. almost 80's style. Uggghh I need to work on this much more.